Save the date! On January 31, 2025, our girls are hosting a guest speaker night, with very special guests, Logan Webb, starting pitcher for the San Francisco Giants, Shana Alexander, Director of Mental Health and Wellness for the San Francisco Giants, as well as the Sacramento Kings, and Drew Robinson, mental health advocate and co-founder of the Better Universe Foundation. TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
Save the date! On January 31, 2025, our girls are hosting a guest speaker night, with very special guests, Logan Webb, starting pitcher for the San Francisco Giants, Shana Alexander, Director of Mental Health and Wellness for the San Francisco Giants, as well as the Sacramento Kings, and Drew Robinson, mental health advocate and co-founder of the Better Universe Foundation. TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
Be the change. Just D.O. It!
Our Mission.
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the overall mental health of our youth, through hands-on education and advocacy. We aim to support and empower our student athletes through community service, outreach and awareness projects. Our goal is to show them that by making small, positive changes in their own lives, they can create a ripple effect of positivity that spreads throughout their community and potentially throughout the world. All it takes is a little sacrifice, hard work, and determination.
Approximately eight years ago, the Del Oro softball field was moved to allow for a brand new pool. At that time, there was talk of two fields and/or field lights, but the pool ended up going over budget and the lights never came to fruition.
We can’t change the past, but we CAN change the present and our future. We are going to raise the funds needed to get lights installed on our field ourselves. We are also going to start a scholarship program. This means we need to raise approximately $500,000. A number this ambitious requires quite a bit of forethought and creativity. Thus, on January 30, 2025, during the annual Del Oro winter rally, our entire softball program will be placing their smartphones in the on-campus safe and locking it for 30 days. This will be a 30 day digital detox in an effort to raise awareness as to the detrimental effects social media and smartphone technology have on our youth today. This means NO SOCIAL MEDIA OF ANY KIND and only call-capability flip phones.
David Harley once said, “In order to achieve something great, you’ll have to sacrifice something great.” So that’s what we’re going to do. Please help support us and our cause by making a donation towards the cost of our lights. Thank you so much for your support!
To seek change, you must take action. Be the change you want to see. Just D.O. it!